"The Princess In The Mirror"

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Chapter One: "The Enchanted Box"

This is an orginal modern-day fairy tale by Grandmom. I hope you like it. (P.S. I hope she gets it finished soon!)

The Day Started Out Very Ordinary

It was a Saturday morning, and I got up really early to watch my favorite cartoons.

When I ran into the kitchen during commercials for a bowl of cereal, I nearly collided with Dad, who was walking half-asleep through the doorway.

"What are you doing up?" I asked.

"I've got somewhere special to go," he said.

Take Me With You, Dad!

The Old Lady Looked At Her With Magic Eyes

Every Day Magic Is Quite A Surprise

The Magic Happens Everyday

She Was Real...a real face flat inside the mirror!

Sometimes When You Hold Your Breath...Time Stands Still.

"Help me...please," she said softly.


"This Is Only The Beginning!"