The Flying Furball
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Grandmom's "Flying Furball" Is A True Story!

My Grandmom has a pretty little cat named Cashmere. She was only a week old when Grandmom found her.
Some neighbors had moved off and left her and her mother and two sisters to take care of themselves.
Grandmom has taught me that if little critters need your should try to help them.
So Grandmom adopted them and moved the little cat family into her greenhouse.
There the kittens grew up amid the plants and sunshine. It was almost like being outdoors, but without all the danger.

Furball Is Definitely An Indoor Critter.
  Cashmere is a beautiful cat. I liked her right away. She has long creamy fur with just a shadowing of stripes. Her ears, feet and tail are soft misty gray. And her eyes are the prettiest part of her. They are brilliant robin's egg blue. I didn't realize that she and the robins had something else in common!

Grandmom said Cashmere must be part Himalayan, which is a very special kind of cat. But she was too silly to be a pedigreed cat. Soon she got the nickname "Furball." That was just about the time she started talking. She didn't meow like a cat. She made funny squeaky, twirpy sounds.

One winter day when it was very cold and sleeting, Grandmom put on her coat and boots and went outside to the greenhouse to feed the kittens.

Read The Rest Of The Story

Tuna Fish, Please!

Furball hides under things and frowns whenever Grandmom comes after her with a camera.