Adventures Of Anna Home Page

About Anna

Photo Magic

Learning Is Fun

I Want Mail

More Adventures

The Flying Furball

More Flying Furball

The Last Of Furball

Guest Book

The Princess In The Mirror

Peek-A-Boo Fairy


Two Buck Bike


From Grandmom & Me

My website is now in its 8th year.
I hope you've enjoyed visiting here,
and that you will come back again.
I 'm thirteen years old, so I'm not
a little kid anymore.  I'm a teenager! 

Zoe turns eight years old in May.  Wow...I remember when she was born.

Grandmom and I are still best friends.
We still have adventures together and sometimes now I have adventures without her...only don't tell her!. We
hope to share some of those with you.
And now that ZoeBear is older, she joins
the fun. Her very first word was...
"AnnaAnnaAnnaAnna."  Now she's really into Grandmom's fairies...and "Fancy Nancy" and maybe Hannah Montana.  Kids! 


Springtime Is Here!

I'm almost through the 7th grade.  I'm just about all grown up.  I gave Zoe my computer shaped like a cat...a gift from Grandmom.   Grandmom gave me my very own laptop with cool sea and sky drawings on the top. I'm studying computer so someday I can put up my own website by myself.   Grandmom is always  working on  new things.  Look for some of her cool creations online.


Zoe is getting her own website...




"Look For The Story Of "The Flying Furball"
This is a true story of what happened to my Grandmom's little
baby cat one cold icy day.

Fairies Add Their Magic

Grandmom has taught me that the world can be a magical place. Sometimes we catch fairies! Look at our Photo Magic Page.


Still Standing!

The ornaments have gotten a little dusty,

and some of the lights have burnd out...

but our "America Tree" still glows

everyday in memory of those who died

on September 11, 2003.   It will stay up until

 Osama Bin Laden is captured. 

Visit "Anna's America Tree"

Burst A Bubble...Lose A Dream

We Would Love To Hear From You.